Eυρωπαϊκός Κώδικας Δεοντολογίας για τους Διαμεσολαβητές ΑΡΘΡΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ Δημοσιεύτηκε: 08/06/2010 EUROPEAN CODE OF CONDUCT FOR MEDIATORSThis code of conduct sets out a number of principles to which individual mediatorsmay voluntarily decide to commit themselves, under their own responsibility. It maybe used by mediators involved in all kinds of mediation in civil and commercialmatters.Organisations providing mediation services may also make such a commitment byasking mediators acting under the auspices of their organisation to respect the codeof conduct. Organisations may make available information on the measures, such astraining, evaluation and monitoring, they are taking to support the respect of the codeby individual mediators.For the purposes of the code of conduct, mediation means any structured process,however named or referred to, whereby two or more parties to a dispute attempt bythemselves, on a voluntary basis, to reach an agreement on the settlement of theirdispute with the assistance of a third person – hereinafter “the mediator”.Adherence to the code of conduct is without prejudice to national legislation or rulesregulating individual professions.Organisations providing mediation services may wish to develop more detailed codesadapted to their specific context or the types of mediation services they offer, as wellas to specific areas such as family mediation or consumer mediation.European Code of Conduct for Mediators1. COMPETENCE, APPOINTMENT AND FEES OF MEDIATORS AND PROMOTIONOF THEIR SERVICES1.1. CompetenceMediators must be competent and knowledgeable in the process of mediation.Relevant factors include proper training and continuous updating of their educationand practice in mediation skills, having regard to any relevant standards oraccreditation schemes.1.2. AppointmentMediators must confer with the parties regarding suitable dates on which themediation may take place. Mediators must verify that they have the appropriatebackground and competence to conduct mediation in a given case before acceptingthe appointment. Upon request, they must disclose information concerning theirbackground and experience to the parties.1.3. FeesWhere not already provided, mediators must always supply the parties with completeinformation as to the mode of remuneration which they intend to apply. They must notagree to act in a mediation before the principles of their remuneration have beenaccepted by all parties concerned.1.4. Promotion of mediators' servicesMediators may promote their practice provided that they do so in a professional,truthful and dignified way.2. INDEPENDENCE AND IMPARTIALITY2.1. IndependenceIf there are any circumstances that may, or may be seen to, affect a mediator'sindependence or give rise to a conflict of interests, the mediator must disclose thosecircumstances to the parties before acting or continuing to act.Such circumstances include:– any personal or business relationship with one or more of the parties;– any financial or other interest, direct or indirect, in the outcome of themediation;– the mediator, or a member of his firm, having acted in any capacity otherthan mediator for one or more of the parties.In such cases the mediator may only agree to act or continue to act if he is certain ofbeing able to carry out the mediation in full independence in order to ensure completeimpartiality and the parties explicitly consent.The duty to disclose is a continuing obligation throughout the process of mediation.2.2. ImpartialityMediators must at all times act, and endeavour to be seen to act, with impartialitytowards the parties and be committed to serve all parties equally with respect to theprocess of mediation.European Code of Conduct for Mediators3. THE MEDIATION AGREEMENT, PROCESS AND SETTLEMENT3.1. ProcedureThe mediator must ensure that the parties to the mediation understand thecharacteristics of the mediation process and the role of the mediator and the parties init.The mediator must in particular ensure that prior to commencement of the mediationthe parties have understood and expressly agreed the terms and conditions of themediation agreement including any applicable provisions relating to obligations ofconfidentiality on the mediator and on the parties.The mediation agreement may, upon request of the parties, be drawn up in writing.The mediator must conduct the proceedings in an appropriate manner, taking intoaccount the circumstances of the case, including possible imbalances of power andany wishes the parties may express, the rule of law and the need for a promptsettlement of the dispute. The parties may agree with the mediator on the manner inwhich the mediation is to be conducted, by reference to a set of rules or otherwise.The mediator may hear the parties separately, if he deems it useful.3.2. Fairness of the processThe mediator must ensure that all parties have adequate opportunities to be involvedin the process.The mediator must inform the parties, and may terminate the mediation, if:– a settlement is being reached that for the mediator appears unenforceable orillegal, having regard to the circumstances of the case and the competence ofthe mediator for making such an assessment, or– the mediator considers that continuing the mediation is unlikely to result in asettlement.3.3. The end of the processThe mediator must take all appropriate measures to ensure that any agreement isreached by all parties through knowing and informed consent, and that all partiesunderstand the terms of the agreement.The parties may withdraw from the mediation at any time without giving anyjustification.The mediator must, upon request of the parties and within the limits of hiscompetence, inform the parties as to how they may formalise the agreement and thepossibilities for making the agreement enforceable.4. CONFIDENTIALITYThe mediator must keep confidential all information arising out of or in connectionwith the mediation, including the fact that the mediation is to take place or has takenplace, unless compelled by law or grounds of public policy to disclose it. Anyinformation disclosed in confidence to mediators by one of the parties must not bedisclosed to the other parties without permission, unless compelled by law Προηγούμενο Σχόλια επί της οδηγίας 2008/52/ΕΚ Επόμενο Ρήτρες Διαμεσολάβησης